
17LIVE集團全球營運長 新年祝福與談話

At the beginning of the year 2023, we would like to extend our best wishes for a Happy New Year. We would like to thank you for your continued support of our company.

The year 2022 was a year of active online and digital activities in various industries, with a view to coexisting with the coronavirus, despite the uncertainties of the global future.17LIVE, which operates live-streaming platforms in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, the United States, Southeast Asia, and other parts of the world, hopes to strengthen its services in 2023 so that people can share stories and world views and share "the present moment"; through live-streaming.

Live streaming will continue to evolve as a part of entertainment this year. We feel that it is our mission to provide users with something they can enjoy "only in real time",and we will continue to provide services that can be enjoyed by many people in real time, making full use of machine learning and AI technologies.

In addition, we plan to incorporate more "storytelling"; into our live streaming in the future. Japanese culture, mainly anime and games, has already captivated the world, and it is because of this storytelling that people are rooting for the characters and expanding their circle of fans. As one of our attempts, we introduced a new "Avatar function"; last December. Streamers and listeners can now participate in live-streaming as customized avatars, and this has already proven to be a catalyst for more mutual and interactive communication.
此外,為使各直播間各自迥異的感受更具體呈現,今年我們計畫在放入更多的「故事」元素,今年動漫、遊戲與虛擬主播(v liver)/虛擬化身(avatar)會是我們的著重方向。日本文化以動漫與遊戲為大宗,輸出海外多年,已在全球眾多國家培育出許多粉絲。因為在動漫、遊戲的故事包裝下,這些角色更容易深入人心並引起共鳴,也不斷發展擴展粉絲圈。因此,我們在去年12月底,率先在日本推出虛擬化身(avatar)新功能,導入「故事」元素,現在直播主與用戶可以用客製化虛擬化身(avatar),由他們自己創造出自己的「故事」線,之後這功能也會在台灣、其他地區上線。請大家拭目以待。

“Life takes place in real time. And that's what makes it exciting.Unscripted. Unpredictable. Unrepeatable.”

The real thrill of live-streaming is to be able to share the heat that occurs at that moment, which will never come again,between streamers and the listeners, or even between listeners. All of us at 17LIVE will continue to strive to be a more creative and innovative live-streaming platform that is close to our users.Please stay tuned for 17LIVE in 2023.We look forward to your continued support in the year ahead.

Alex Lien
Group COO
17LIVE Inc.
